School Overview
School Theme
Our theme for the school is, "Be the Light." The faculty and students will be focusing on the Social Teachings of the Church this school year. The Church's social teaching is a gift of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness despite the challenges of our world.
The seven Social Teachings of the Church are:
- Life and Dignity of the Human Person
- Call to Family, Community, and Participation
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
- The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
- Solidarity
- Care for God's Creation

"I 'teach Catholic' because it is a passion of mine. It is how God has called me to be a part of the Body of Christ… at St. Gabriel the Archangel School, my teaching team is outstanding and the parental support is strong."
- St. Gabriel Teacher
Dedicated to Academic Success
Core Curriculum
Math, Science, Language Arts (Phonics, English, Reading, and Spelling), Religion, and Social Studies round out a solid core curriculum at St. Gabriel. Additional details on grade-level academic, spiritual, social/emotional and overall curricular goals is available upon request.
Students explore an array of artists and are exposed to a variety of media at each grade level including ceramics, wire, 2 and 3 dimensional design, printmaking, charcoal, pastels, and painting. Student Art Fairs are during Catholic Schools Week.
St. Gabriel's music education program exposes students to music theory and history, fosters an appreciation of different musical genres and aims to increase cognitive development at the elementary education level. Every academic year features a new musical theme. Instrument instruction and use of classroom technology further propels St. Gabriel's music program. Participation in the Archdiocesan Song Festival, Metro District 8, and St. Louis Symphony programs, and field trips. Classwork culminates in St. Gabriel's standing-room only Winter and Spring vocal concert performances. Come hear what we've learned!
Physical Education
Focus on exercise, healthy living, and team games. Other activities include Jump Rope for Heart, Read/Right/Run, the Presidential Fitness Challenge, and an Annual Field Day.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is a method of hands-on teaching and learning where students learn to apply academic content by creatively solving real–world problems with innovative design-based thinking to prepare students for future career opportunities. STEM education is an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to learning that provides hands–on and relevant learning experiences for students. STEM learning is more than the acquisition of knowledge. It engages students and equips them with 21st-Century skills; critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, communication and collaboration.
Washington University MySci Partnership
St. Gabriel the Archangel School is in partnership with Washington University for the MySci Program. This partnership empowers our teachers with K-8 instructional materials that inspire and engage students. Lessons and investigations are designed to bring the excitement of hands-on learning to the K-8 classroom. MySci units are aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards, ensuring that students receive an in-depth understanding of content each school year in the three main branches of Science: physical science, life science, and earth science.
Learning Consultant
St. Gabriel is committed to the success of every child. Our full-time Learning Consultant assists with all educational concerns. Dedicated to maximizing the learning potential of every child, our Learning Consultant closely partners with parents and classroom teachers.
Literacy is addressed through reading and writing workshop in grades K–8 as well as phonics in the primary grades. A literacy coordinator provides embedded professional development and coaching opportunities for teachers. The literacy coordinator, teachers and principal have attended institutes at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University.
School Counselor
St. Gabriel also offers a certified School Counselor. In addition to counseling individual students, facilitating small groups and consulting with both school parents and faculty members, St. Gabriel's counselor also provides a bi-weekly classroom curriculum. Classroom lessons are aimed at fostering social and emotional awareness and enhancing both psychological well-being and academic success.
High School and Beyond
Graduates of St. Gabriel are consistently admitted to "first-choice" secondary schools across the metro St. Louis area. Foundations built at St. Gabriel will benefit students throughout their high school experience and beyond.
"I believe our strengths are our teachers and academic programs, our supportive and involved parents, our small class sizes, and our school band. Our low rate of teacher turnover demonstrates a real dedication to St. Gabriel's."
- St. Gabriel Teacher
...and So Much More!
Band Program
St. Gabriel's Band Program is a one-of-a-kind musical, tech-based learning experience! Band is an optional, fee-based program integrated within the school day for interested student musicians.
Multiple bands accommodate student development including Beginner and Cadet Bands for 4th and 5th grades to Concert and Jazz Bands for grades 6–8; opportunity for community performances also included. Software-based instrument instruction coupled with a talented full-time Band Instructor yields impressive concert results, without a doubt!
Sixth-Grade Camp Adventure Program
Each year our 6th graders attend camp for two days. While at camp they push themselves out of their comfort zones, strengthen relationships with peers, build leadership skills, and have a great time participating in outdoor activities such as a rock climbing wall.
Gabriel Club After School Program
Gabriel Club is our after-school care and operates in the school cafeteria. Program includes after-school snacks, homework oversight, physical activities and special projects.
Gabriel Club is offered from 3:00–6:00 p.m. Monday–Friday and from 12:30–6:00 p.m. on early dismissals. Gabriel Club is not offered when school is not in session.
Archangel Activities
St. Gabriel's Archangel Activities offers enriching after-school activities geared toward children in Grades K–5. All classes are individually priced, offered once a week, and held on-site at St. Gabriel from 3:00–4:00 p.m. Classes vary per semester and registration is required.
Sample class offerings include: Sewing, Chess Club, Weekly Readers, Karate, Dance, Acting, Creative Cooks, Geography, Bricks 4 Kids, Mad Science, Magic, Little Med School, Yoga, and Drawing.
Readers 2 Leaders (3rd Grade)
Readers 2 Leaders is a unique partnership between De La Salle Middle School and St. Gabriel the Archangel. Students come together for 6 weeks to read and learn about African American leaders and innovators while exploring shared Catholic values and developing lasting friendships.
To learn more about the program, please visit
Safe & Secure
Safety at St. Gabriel School is always a top initiative. Each year the faculty and staff go through health and safety trainings and we have members trained as the Emergency Response Team.
In 2015, our staff participated in armed and school intruder drills and proactive classroom safety training. New exterior doors and security cameras were updated in 2018. External doors are locked during the day and a video camera with voice and buzzer access monitors front school entrance. The school building has been made accessible for people with mobility impairments.
St. Gabriel Athletic Association (SGAA)
SGAA provides students an opportunity to learn both team and individual sports within a Catholic environment and to participate in city-wide tournaments throughout the year.
Team sports include baseball, basketball, soccer, softball, volleyball, and lacrosse. Track and golf instruction are also offered.
Emphasis is placed on teamwork, sportsmanship, fair play, and respect for one's self, coaches and opponents. SGAA also hosts an Annual Golf Tournament, NCAA Final Four Party, Basketball Tournaments for 4th and 7th grades, and a 4v4 Summer Classic Soccer Tournament.
"I think it's hugely important for parents to know about St. Gabriel's technology. Our tablets, Smart Boards, use of web-based teaching practices and the use of social media in the upper grades illustrate the breadth of technology and resources here at St. Gabriel's. Even our morning video productions are impressive!"
- St. Gabriel Teacher
Dedicated to Faith Formation
All School Mass
Mass is offered every week. Kindergarten begins attending the all school Mass in October. Grades 1–8 attend Mass twice a week and assume active liturgical roles. Students celebrate their Baptismal Birthdays on the third Thursday of each month. Students can invite parents, grandparents, or godparents to attend this special Mass with them.
Sacrament Preparation
Beginning in 2nd grade, students prepare for Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist. Confirmation takes place in 8th grade. We partner closely with parents in preparation for these very important celebrations.
Bible Ceremony
At a special Mass each year, every 6th grade student receives a personalized Bible that is blessed by Father so they can use it within their studies over the course of junior high.
The school community seeks to assists organizations that need support. These organizations have included Whole Kids Outreach, St. Vincent DePaul Society, South Side Early Childhood Center, Our Lady's Inn, and John Cochran VA Medical Center.
Altar Servers
Beginning in 4th grade and continuing through 8th grade, students have the opportunity to participate in mass as an altar server. These students assist with both parish and school Masses.
Special Celebrations
The students take an active part in Living Rosary, Baptismal Celebration Masses, Stations of the Cross, and many more.
Retreats and Days of Reflection
Our school provides unique opportunities for students to strengthen their Catholic Identity and to foster personal awareness of God's plan for their lives through retreats and days of reflection.
"We have a purpose beyond academics. We can openly share our faith and it touches every part of our lives. Children at St. Gabriel live their faith by participating in various mission projects, sacramental preparation, classroom instruction, and our Friends-in-Faith program."
- St. Gabriel Teacher
Our School Community
Leader in Me School
The staff and students have begun the journey of becoming a Leader in Me School utilizing Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. This is a multi-year process with the goal to receive designation as a Lighthouse School. Teacher Leaders support student, staff, and family learning.
Students learn how to lead themselves and lead others using the Seven Habits:
- Be Proactive
- Begin with the End in Mind
- Put First Things First
- Think Win/Win
- Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
- Synergize
- Sharpen the Saw
Middle School
St. Gabriel's House System (6/7/8) allows students an opportunity to co-mingle between grade levels. The purpose of the House System is to foster our Catholic identity through stewardship, to develop character and leadership, and to create an atmosphere of positive peer pressure and motivation to succeed. The House System establishes a faculty mentor for each student/house that stays consistent through their middle school years. It allows students to create relationships beyond their grade level and to participate in activities that are academic, athletic, and service related. The eight Houses are named after saints with each saint's mission and life helping to guide the House in choosing a monthly service opportunity for the school. The school then participates in a monthly mission Mass to highlight the service for the month.
Boot Camp was developed to help students in their transition from lower elementary to middle school and to prepare students for the increasing responsibilities of becoming a pre-teen and teenager, the middle school teachers help to lead the students at the beginning of the year. The students travel to 4 different sessions that are geared to help them navigate middle school and to achieve personal success with topics such as Organization and Time Management, Growth Mindset, Note-Taking Strategies, and Study Skills. The teachers also provide various Rebootopportunities throughout the school year to help students with other topics such as how to manage stress and frustration, what to do in various situations that include approaching teachers/adults for help, what to do when classes are missed, and reflection and goal setting. Our aim is to help students develope life-long skills and practice these skills in a nurturing, learning environment.
"Parents are deeply involved in their child's education at St. Gabriel. The teachers encourage and welcome this involvement and use parents as a continuation of the teaching that is done at school."
- St. Gabriel Teacher