Whole Kids Outreach Toy Drive

CHRISTMAS TOY DRIVE - Bring Toys to Mass on December 5.

Make Christmas Special for a child in need!

Whole Kids Outreach serves rural Missouri children in need. In December, WKO hosts a Christmas Store so that kids can have a great Christmas morning!

Saint Gabriel the Archangel will be collecting new toys and other items (unwrapped) for children birth through young teens for the WKO Christmas Store.

Every WKO child/teen receives a large, medium, and small gift , so all gifts are appreciated.

In addition, cash donations and Amazon, Walmart and Target gift cards are welcome!

Please no items that suggest violence or war.

Gift Ideas Can Be Found Below:


Please bring your toys to Mass on December 5th! We will not be collecting donations before that.

Whole Kids Outreach is a faith-based, nonprofit service organization committed to the unmet health and developmental needs of children, youth, and pregnant women within their family structure. Over the past 20+ years, WKO has worked to develop innovative, culturally sensitive interventions and programs to help families living in Appalachian-style poverty in rural Missouri meet their healthcare needs.